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The MythoSelf Experience

What do you want...

Our Price:  £57.00


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How to stop procrastinating, drifting, rushing around like a headless chicken, jumping from thing to thing in order to "keep busy" or dithering with endless ifs, buts and maybes.  This is also a call to all those explorers who know that actually what they long for the most, is to simply come to rest...

When faced with so much choice, opinions from well meaning friends, societal norms, or no clue what so ever about what it is you really want, it's understandable that  you might become de-motivated and end up putting your life on hold, or drift aimlessly, or immerse yourself fully in a personal quest of discovery.   Fortunately there is an easy way forward - and here's your opportunity to take that critical first step.   

The quality of your life depends very much on the decisions you make.  From the moment you wake up, until the time you go to bed, you are, to some degree or other, moulding your life through the decisions you are making. 

For something that's so integral to life, we think that people should make it a priority to learn HOW to make good decisions.  By good decisions, we mean decisions that are a match for you, decisions that won't compromise who you are, decisions that will support the kind of life that you want to be having. 

The MythoSelf®  Process carries with it the strap line "DECIDETM".  This is because it provides a method of decision making in its purest, most natural form.  This telephone consultation is the first stage in that process, and as a result of it you will:

  • Free yourself from the stress, anxiety and mental paralysis that comes from putting off for tomorrow
  • Stop worrying about the things you haven't done
  • Free yourself of guilt
  • Rebuild your confidence
  • Know without question what you want

Why the MythoSelf® Process?

  • It's not therapy or counseling, and neither is Charles trained to be a "friendly listener".  This means that no time is spent exploring and defining your problems,  understanding why you are feeling a certain way, or empathizing to help you feel better.  (all of which reinforce a person's problem state). 
  • It's a model built upon age old universal knowledge about mans journey through life as well as current scientific knowledge about how the human body functions.
  • What Charles will take you through is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR in determining what you want (and consequently what action to be taking), yet it is something that very few coaches/mentors/advisor's/consultants/trainers actually do. 
  • We understand that being a certain way within yourself first is the bed rock for all positive action, and is the key to taking your life off hold . BE, then do. 

During your session with Charles, you'll discover that, at the deepest level, what you really long for the most is in fact common to every one.  It's a universal desire that is unique to you, but common to all man, and it's to do with a way of being within yourself.  A way of being where you are unlimitted, free, living without compromise, and where life seems to flow. Having this way of being firmly in place first means that a stable platform exists that is congruent with you, and upon which all other decisions about what you want (and what needs to happen to get what you want) can be made.

How long is the telephone consultation?

45 minutes to an hour

What happens afterwards?

The cost of this telephone consultation is kept deliberately low because we are positioning it as a taster, an experience, of what Charles does and what's possible for you.  It can be used as an introduction to the process, to help you determine whether you want Private MythoSelf® Facilitation, or to attend a Mythogenic SelfTM Experience training. 

Some people get exactly what they need just from this consultation, and decide they need no further input.  Whether you do decide to book private facilitation or to attend a training, is entirely up to you, and there is no obligation to do so what so ever.  By the end of this consultation we commit to make sure that you know and experience what it is you want  - the first step in bringing a stop to procrastination once and for all.   You can then decide whether you want to take it any further.  If you do, you can expect that Charles will:

  • Deepen your experience of what it's like for you when you are absolutely at your best and feeling like anything's possible
  • Teach you how to access this "way of being" for yourself
  • Refine how you access being this way so that you become really good at getting there quickly and easily
  • Help you to build the capacity so that this becomes a natural way of being
  • Link this way of being to what you want from your life /  in your life  (i.e. what you want to be true of and for yourself)

Arranging a telephone consultation

You can purchase a telephone consultation to help you clarify what it is you want through our on-line store at the top of this page.  You will receive a call or email within 24 hours to arrange a specific date and time that suits you for your consultation.  Alternatively call us on 020-8974-8974 to make the arrangements. *Please note that a minimum of 24 hours is required to cancel an appointment - otherwise no refund will be given.

Still not sure which service you want?  Contact us or call 020-8974-8974 and we can help you decide.  

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